Saturday, 31 May 2014

Book View: Eleanor & Park

Title: Eleanor and Park
Author: Rainbow Rowell
Publisher: Orion Books
Source: Library
Rating: 4.5/5

Eleanor is the new girl in town, and with her chaotic family life, her mismatched clothes and unruly red hair, she couldn't stick out more if she tried.

Park is the boy at the back of the bus. Black T-shirts, headphones, head in a book - he thinks he's made himself invisible. But not to Eleanor... never to Eleanor.

Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall for each other. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you're young, and you feel as if you have nothing and everything to lose.

I am literally the most terrible blogger..or just really slow reader! Sorry I haven't posted in so long. I'm currently studying for 3 of my AAT exams, so once those are over, I should have plenty of time to get reading. One of my goals is to read faster. Anyway, on to the review

Thank you to Rainbow Rowell, for ripping my heart out and making me cry, just to shove it back in and make me happy all over again. Basically, that ending. I totally wasn't expecting that, if I'm honest.

My Thoughts
I did really enjoy Eleanor and Park. It's one of those books that I know I'll be coming back to probably either later this year, or next year. I think it affected me, but I hadn't really noticed. It had completely creeped up on me and I cried. At 12am, I was up reading this book with tears down my cheeks, because this book really got me.

For me, this book was primarily a love story, but also it was kind of a life story. I liked how there was a back story to the characters that we met, such as Park's parents.

Rainbow Rowell's writing in this book is just so..clean and just nice to read. I felt that the book just flowed so well and it was such a joy to read. It was a love story, but I didn't feel like it was mushy, and enough to make you want to roll your eyes. Rainbow has done a really good job of portraying love as a teenager properly. However, my only issue with this is that it kind of happened like 'love at first sight'. I don't necessarily have a problem with this, because I know that in books, you can't drag it out and in books, it just happens, unlike in real life. Don't get me wrong, I think Eleanor and Park are made for each other, but the relationship was so fast. Also, the dual story telling (there must be a proper name for this) was so well done, and I actually enjoyed being in both Eleanor and Park's heads, as opposed to just being in one, or being like a fly on the wall.

One thing I've gotta say is, I must've really got caught up in this book (and again, not noticed) because I totally kept forgetting that the book is set in 1986. I don't know why, but I just felt like I could relate to it so well, and I felt so connected to the characters.

Another thing, as somebody on Good Reads had said, which I also noticed, this book didn't really deal with racial abuse (Park is half-korean). Obviously back in the day, where this book is set, there was still lots of racial abuse going on, but this is something Rowell hasn't really dealt with. Although, she did deal with verbal abuse and at times, domestic abuse. The verbal abuse was definitely more present, but I liked how it showed the way that the characters dealt with it.

Final Thoughts
I enjoyed reading Eleanor and Park so much, and just want to read and know more about both Eleanor and Park. Rainbow Rowell, please give me answers. But yes, Eleanor and Park was honestly great. It wasn't really soppy at all, which I oh so enjoyed. Basically, Rainbow Rowell pulled this off so well, and just made me feel so connected to this book, and even more so with the characters. By the end of the story, as I said on Good Reads, all the feels were felt while reading this book. 

Would you recommend?
Definitely, definitely. This is on my must reads shelf for everybody that likes contemporary YA. I am telling you, you have to read it. 

Have you read this book? What did you think? If not, do you want to read it? Let me know your thoughts!

Saturday, 24 May 2014

Book View: Don't Even Think About It by Sarah Mlynowski

Title: Don't Even Think About It 
Author: Sarah Mlynowski
Publisher: Hachette Children's Books
Source: NetGalley
Rating: 4/5

We weren't always like this. We used to be average New York City high school sophomores. Until our homeroom went for flu shots. We were prepared for some side effects. Maybe a headache. Maybe a sore arm. We definitely didn't expect to get telepathic powers. But suddenly we could hear what everyone was thinking. Our friends. Our parents. Our crushes. Now we all know that Tess is in love with her best friend, Teddy. That Mackenzie cheated on Cooper. That, um, Nurse Carmichael used to be a stripper.

Since we've kept our freakish skill a secret, we can sit next to the class brainiac and ace our tests. We can dump our boyfriends right before they dump us. We know what our friends really think of our jeans, our breath, our new bangs. We always know what's coming. Some of us will thrive. Some of us will crack. None of us will ever be the same.

So stop obsessing about your ex. We're always listening.

First of all, big thank you to Hachette Children's Books for approving me for this book - my first approval on NetGalley, woohoo!

Holyyyyy smokes this book was so good for me, I loved it and cannot wait for the second one to come out! I'll be waiting a long time though as this was only released this month. I think I might be a little late to the party as I've seen quite a few bloggers with ARCs, but what the heck! I really liked this book and  wanted to get my thoughts down about it as soon as possible so I don't forget anything.

My Thoughts
I really liked the story line of this book. I mean, it's a book about telepathy (not a spoiler because it mentions in the blurb!) which is one of those 'super powers' I always wanted as a kid…as well as having the ability to become invisible! But honestly, I thought it was a great storyline. It didn't focus on one person, it focused on all the characters which I thought was really nice. I think it focused more on some of the characters obviously, but there was a nice contrast between them, and seeing how they came together over their power was really nice to see. Also, some of the thoughts people had and some of the things in the book did actually make me giggle a little - I love it when books do that!

I thought this book was quite fast paced. It seemed like there was always something happening, which is good because it did keep my attention, but the book went by so fast, which kind of makes me sad because I wanted to keep reading for a little longer. I'm not sure how many pages there are in the physical copy of this book, but I had a Kindle version (Kindle app!) and that had just under 2499 pages. 

I have to say, for me, this book did come across as very teenagers. You know, that's not a problem at all, but it makes me want to recommend it to my younger sister and all her friends. 

So why did I give this a 4 if I liked it so much? The ending of the book seemed so sudden to me. Yes, the book is fast paced, but I felt that the ending was abrupt. I am wondering if this was the whole point, and if it was to work as a cliffhanger, but I do think the ending could've been dragged out a little over 2 or 3 pages. It just seemed so sudden to me. That said, again, I did really enjoy this book. 

Would you recommend?
Um, yes, duh! I totally would recommend this book. It's a great read, I love the cover, and it made me laugh! So yes, I'd definitely recommend this book to anybody that likes YA that's contemporary, but also features paranormal elements, as well as an added dose of comedy. 

Have you read this book? What did you think? If not, do you want to read it? Let me know your thoughts!

Friday, 23 May 2014

Liebster Award

Holy poppers, I've been nominated by Katie at Into The Bookcase (who I kind of also stole the above picture from..)! I've been blogging for about a month now, so the fact that I've been nominated is SO COOL. Thank you so, so much, Katie! 

Here are the Liebster Award rules (also stolen from Katie!):

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2. Answer the eleven questions he/she asks.
3. Nominate eleven bloggers.
4. Ask these eleven bloggers eleven questions.
5. Let these eleven bloggers know that they have been nominated.

Seeing as I have already done number 1, let's move onto 2, the questions!

1. What’s the last book you read, and what book are you currently reading?
The last book I read was Monument 14 and I am currently reading Don't Even Think About It and Eleanor and Park. 

2. How do you organise your TBR pile?
I don't actually have any organisation for my TBR books, so they just sit on my shelf. I just know which ones I haven't read yet, although I think I'm going to start putting book names on small pieces of paper and then putting them in a jar and as I finish one book, pick out a piece of paper with the next book I have to read on it as my TBR list is getting longer and longer…although if a book comes in that I really want to read, then I'm going to read it pretty much straight away
3. What is your favourite genre, and why?
 I like a lot of genre's but I think that contemporary YA is my favourite. I really, really love YA books actually. But I enjoy contemporary YA because I really do feel like I can connect so much better to characters. 
4. Do you like watching film adaptations of books?
I don't really mind watching them if I'm honest, but I have enjoyed all the Harry Potter movies and all the Hunger Games movies that have come out so far. I think this kind of depends though as sometimes I'll watch a movie without having read the book, soooooo yah.
5. If you could live as your favourite character for a day, what would you do?
I have noooo idea. I don't even know who my favourite character is, as I love so many of them..maybe Hermione? Let's go with Hermione. If I was Hermione, I'd totally cast spells and use that time turner just for fun and just try to put a lot of things right in the world (like bookshops everywhere)
6. Have you met any authors? If not, who would you like to meet?
I've only ever met Cathy Cassidy and another author that my sister really liked. Other than that, I haven't met any others, but my god, I would love to meet J. K. Rowling. I'd also like to meet John Green, Stephanie Perkins and Rainbow Rowell. The list is growing endless..
7. Paperback or Kindle?
I don't own a Kindle, so paperback for me, but I think I prefer paperbacks anyway. I do, however, want a Kindle and I own the Kindle app on my phone.. 
8. What is the longest book you’ve read?
…probably Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
9. What is your favourite book series?
Harry Potter, hands down.
10. If you opened a book shop, what would you name it?
This is a no brainer, 'Paper Town'
11. You’re stuck on an island, and can only have one book to read. What book would you choose?
oh my gosh, I DON'T KNOW. A really good interesting book, that's never ending. Maybe Harry Potter…I really don't know!

So there we go! I nominate…

Chloe at Booktuation
Amber at The Mile Long Bookshelf
Ruby at Feed Me Books Now
Hawwa at It Was Lovely Reading You
Jamie at Perpetual Page Turner
Victoria at Victoria Loves Books

And your 11 questions are..

1. What’s the last book you read, what book are you currently reading and what are you going to read next?

2. How do you organise your TBR pile?
3. What is your favourite genre, and why?
4. Who is your favourite author?
5. Which book can you relate to the most?
6. Have you met any authors? If so, who? If not, who would you like to meet?
7. You've got one book to recommend to someone. What is it and why?
8. What is the latest book you've read that made you feel all the things?
9. What is your favourite book series?
10. If you opened a book shop, what would you name it?

11. You’ve been locked in a fairytale tower (like Rapunzel), and you've only got one book. What is it?

Thank you again, Katie. This was fun! :)

Have you done a response to this post? If so, link me so I can check it out! :)

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Waiting on Wednesday

'Waiting On Wednesday is a weekly event hosted at Breaking the Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.'

In case you hadn't noticed, I am always late to the party. This is my belated Waiting on Wednesday..what? I was busy last night! Here's my 'book that I am looking forward to':

I think everybody knows by now how much I loved Anna and the French Kiss (like, with all my heart) and I've recently bought Lola and the Boy Next Door, which I am yet to read. 

So because of my love for Anna and the French Kiss, Stephanie Perkins' Isla and the Happily Ever After is my anticipated read, which sadly doesn't come out till August (according to Amazon..) however I have read the first chapter and oh my gosh, LET ME HAVE IT ALREADY.

Here's the summary (taken from GoodReads):

From the glittering streets of Manhattan to the moonlit rooftops of Paris, falling in love is easy for hopeless dreamer Isla and introspective artist Josh. But as they begin their senior year in France, Isla and Josh are quickly forced to confront the heartbreaking reality that happily-ever-afters aren’t always forever.

Their romantic journey is skillfully intertwined with those of beloved couples Anna and Étienne and Lola and Cricket, whose paths are destined to collide in a sweeping finale certain to please fans old and new.

Oh boy, I cannot wait for this!

Saturday, 17 May 2014

This Week's Round Up

Oh gosh, I haven't been on here in almost a week - I'm already slacking!

I've been pretty busy this week. If you didn't know, I had a job interview last week, and I had another this week on Monday evening. So the goods news is..I HAVE A NEW JOB! I'm really happy as my current job, although it's not bad, it's not what I want to do at all, and so I need to get out of the lady next to me that does the same job as me hates me. So anyway, Tuesday was pretty busy as I had to do college work for my upcoming exam. Wednesday I saw Katy Perry so really did not have time to blog at all. Thursday my boyfriend came round and we stuck stickers in his World Cup sticker book (we're not kids, honestly!), and Friday I went for a work colleagues leaving drinks! 

I think another reason why I haven't posted is because I finished both Anna and the French Kiss and although I have a load of books to read on my shelf, I just really did not feel like any of them at all. Plus, I was kind of wanting to have an evening off reading because I read Monument 14 and oh my gosh, I just did not want to read anything else for like a day or two (that kind of turned into a week..)

SO ANYWAY…weekly round up, here we go:

Books I have Received/Ordered

It finally arrived..this morning actually! I ordered it a week or two back and have been waiting for it ever since, but thank goodness it's finally here! I'm really looking forward to reading this one but didn't expect it to be as thick as it is! 

I actually have got to wait to read it now as I was getting so frustrated waiting for it, that I started to re-read The Fault in Our Stars. Do you want to know what is most annoying though? I started to re-read TFiOS this morning and the book turned up TODAY. Typical..

I've actually ordered this one from the library as I know how long it is taking me to read books, but also because I know how long it takes the library to find books that you've reserved. But actually, they're been pretty quick, and this little treasure is waiting to be picked up from the library!

I feel like there is so much hype about this book as so many people have read it, but I actually haven't read anything bad about this book, so I'm looking forward to reading it! Sadly, my library doesn't have a copy with this cover (unless the cover they've used on the internet is a trick and this actually is the one they've got!)

You may know of how much I loved Anna and the French Kiss. I really could not get enough of that book and wanted to read it at any given moment I could. So when I finished Anna and the French Kiss, I remembered that there was one to follow, Lola and the Boy Next Door. Sadly this one wasn't available on Amazon when I finished Anna and the French Kiss, but yesterday I noticed that it was so I have gone ahead and bought it and am now eagerly awaiting for it to arrive. I really can't wait!

I was actually going to buy this from Waterstones the other weekend but it was one that had come over from the US and it was really tall and just would NOT look good next to my Anna and the French Kiss.

This is the second instalment to follow Monument 14, which I am so excited to read! I read the first book within 2 days and immediately went to buy this one, until my boyfriend kindly reminded me that I have plenty of books to left to read so should read those before buying anymore. That didn't happen though. My excuse was 'well, I'm buying Lola and the Boy Next Door', so might as well buy this one too'. I'm really looking forward to this and I'm really hoping that it's just as good as the first one. 

Please come soon, book!

Books I Want

There is so much stuff and so many reviews about Since You've Been Gone floating round the book blogosphere that I am SO jealous of anybody who has read it. It is actually available on Amazon now, so I should buy it, especially since I'm pretty sure all I go on about is how much I want this book, but money issues (if anybody would like to give me a copy, I'd be happy to accept).

I do really want this book though, and as soon as I have the money, I am totally going to buy it. I think I might make it my gift to self for getting a new job. 

Ugh, book gods, please grace me with the presence of this book, and I will be eternally grateful.

Another book that I really, really want to get my mitts on is To All the Boys I've Loved Before. Again, it seems like there's a lot of hype around this book, as so many are talking about it. 

This book actually isn't released till August (according to Amazon), so it seems as if I'll have to wait for a few months before I read this sadly, but honestly, it sounds like such a good book, so I can't wait to purchase it and read it!

This book has been talked a lot about lately, and I've noticed that quite a few people have been doing a Liars Live Read on my twitter feed, which I wish I could in with, but can't as I don't have this book, sadly, although I really, really wish I did. 

I'm really looking forward to buying this one once I'm able to, and then obviously, reading it. 

I read The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight  earlier this month which I enjoyed very, very much! I have seen this book floating around the internet quite a lot and have read what the story line is, so I would really like to read this one. It seems to me that Jennifer E. Smith writes these sweet but shortish stories about love, which I quite enjoy. 

I'm looking forward to the day I have this in my hands so that I can read it. I finished TSPoLaFS quite quickly, so I think that shows how much I enjoyed Jennifer E. Smith's writing and the book in general!

I'm pretty sure there's another book on my 'Books I Want' list, but I can't remember it right now, oopsie!

So I guess that's all for my this weeks's round up of books. I'm tempted to make this into a weekly thing (let's see if I can actually commit to it..). Please let me know if you enjoyed this or not, or if you would like to see another weeks round up next week!

I'm going to be reading The Fault in Our Stars this week, and hopefully will be making a start on Fangirl as well, as it seems like a quiet week this week, so there should be slightly more activity!

So tell me, are there any books on here that you've read, you want, or you're reading? If you've read any of them, what did you think of them? 

ps. I'm running the Race for Life this year (it's a race that women all over the UK take part in, in different locations to raise money for Cancer Research). I have a target to raise £150, and would really appreciate it if you'd spare even the smallest amount to help me reach that goal! You can check out my Just Giving page here :)

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Book View: Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne

Title: Monument 14
Author: Emmy Laybourne
Source: Bought
Rating: 4/5

Your mother hollers that you’re going to miss the bus. She can see it coming down the street. You don’t stop and hug her and tell her you love her. You don’t thank her for being a good, kind, patient mother. Of course not—you launch yourself down the stairs and make a run for the corner.Only, if it’s the last time you’ll ever see your mother, you sort of start to wish you’d stopped and did those things. Maybe even missed the bus.But the bus was barreling down our street, so I ran.Fourteen kids. One superstore. A million things that go wrong. 

Another great book that I've read within the two weeks. I actually found out about this one via Amber  at the Mile Long Bookshelf. If you follow me on twitter, you probably saw that I tweeted a photo including this one for my 'what do you think I should read next' tweet (yes, that's what I'm calling it..).

I really enjoyed this book. So much that I ended up adding it to my amazon basket pretty much straight after I'd finished it, and was about to buy it until my boyfriend reminded me not to buy anymore books until I've finished the others that I've got left to read (BUT THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD BOOKS ABOUT THAT I WANT TO BUY)

My Thoughts
Ok, first of all. 14 kids stuck in a superstore. Who wouldn't want to be stuck in a superstore with so much food and stuff? Um, clearly not these kids! This book was pretty fast paced if I'm honest. I'm a great lover of zombie things (even if they do scare me at times) so I thought this was going to end up having a bit of a streak like that but no undead creatures in this book, folks! I really enjoyed this one, especially since it was very different in comparison to the book I read previously (Anna and the French Kiss). I think this book was pretty action packed, it was clever in places, and the 14 kids left in the superstore, it was quite a contrast, but how clever they were is something that really got me.

There were parts where I was like 'COME ON, JUST GET RID OF THIS CHARACTER' because oh my gosh, some of them were so annoying, and there were other parts where I was totally in love with everything about the story.

Now in terms of rating, I've been uming and ahing about whether to give this book a 3.5 or 4. I've given this book a 4/5 mainly because it's different to everything else I've read. But the reason why I've given this book this rating is because although in a way I think this book is aimed at younger teenagers, but there's also content that is aimed at older teenagers. I think this book manages to connect well with a range of ages, plus it makes for a fun read. Plus, it's set in the future, and imagine if what happened to them, actually happened!

So would you recommend it?
I would recommend this book. It's more nitty gritty and a bit of a thriller, so very different to my previous read, but if you want something that has action in it, you should definitely, definitely read this book!

Have you read Monument 14? What did you think? If you haven't read it, is it a book you think you might be interested in? 

Friday, 9 May 2014

Book View: Anna and the French Kiss

Title: Anna and the French Kiss
Author: Stephanie Perkins
Source: Bought
Rating: 4.5/5

Anna is less than thrilled to be shipped off to boarding school in Paris, leaving a fledgling romance behind - until she meets Etienne St Clair. Smart, charming, beautiful, Etienne has it all... including a girlfriend. But in the City of Light, wishes have a way of coming true. Will a year of romantic near-misses end with a longed-for French kiss?

Oh my gosh. This book totally captured my heart and had me head over heels, wanting to read it at any time, all the time. If you follow me on twitter, you've probably noticed that I've been talking about Anna and the French Kiss a hell of a lot lately. It's taken me a couple of days to read it, but I've finally finished it now and how I wish that it was even longer. Stephanie Perkins - if you are reading this, PLEASE do a sequel to Anna and Etienne's story…PLEASE.

So you know when you read a book and you kind of just cannot get it out of your head? I was like this. I actually ended up starting to get into the 'just one more teeny tiny chapter' thing and then I'd read about 5. I'd be reading it the morning if I had a spare 5-10 minutes and as soon as I got home. I even had an interview yesterday evening and as I turned up early, I ended up sitting in my car, reading this! Can you tell I'm fairly attached?

My Thoughts
Well, I'm probably a bit biased on this, but I'll try my hardest not to be! I really enjoyed this book for a number of reasons. First of all, the book was set in PARIS. I've been bugging my boyfriend a whole lot more since I started reading this with 'TAKE ME TO PARIS' requests. I loved how descriptive the story was of the setting was at every time. Also, culture. There was a huge French culture theme in this book which I really enjoyed. I also liked how this book also included friendship and family issues. I think this book dealt with a lot of things in a really good way.

My second reason for liking this book was Anna. Where do I start? I loved Anna as a character. She was just so relatable, that I could not get over it! You know when you read some books and the character is just a teeny tiny too unrealistic? Well this is nothing like that. I instantly felt connected to Anna, and even though we have not gone through the same things at all, I felt that I could really connect with her as a character. Plus, I loved being in her mind! Also, there were times when I really did feel sorry for her, and I think this is not only because I felt connected to her, but also because the situations and the feelings that you get in those situations were portrayed so well.

My third and final reason for as to why I liked this book is that it made me feel so many things. It made me happy, confused, annoyed, and at times, it would make me cringe. This book pretty much dragged me through all kinds of feelings.

I know, you're probably thinking 'is there ANYTHING bad about this book?' Well, no, technically not, particularly not to me, but there were a few things I picked out, such as how back and forth it was. This wasn't an issue throughout the whole book, but at some points, I thought that it was a bit back and forth and 'loves me, loves me not'. There were also parts that just  I think there were probably a few other reasons, but this is one that I picked up on.

So would you recommend it?
100%, definitely would. I enjoyed this book so much, and would really recommend it to anyone who likes/loves contemporary YA, but also to someone who just wants a light, but fun and flirty read. Also, if you like Paris, you should definitely get a load of this book!

Have you read this book? What did you think? If you haven't read it, is it a book you think you might be interested in? 

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Top 10 Book Covers I’d Frame As Pieces Of Art

  Ahhh, my first top ten tuesday (well..Wednesday!). I decided I wanted to start participating in this as it seems like fun, so away we go!


These are in NOOOO particular order, but I'll list them off..

Anna and the French Kiss - I'm currently reading this book, but oh my gosh! The colours on the cover are so pretty and blend so well. The internet picture does NOT do it justice!

The Fault In Our Stars - Just love this cover completely. Nice and simple.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - This is my favourite Harry Potter book (I think? They're all so good!)

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Just finished reading this, but really loved the cover. I think I prefer it over the black and white version!

The Perks of Being a Wallflower - I own a different cover to this, but I absolutely LOVE this cover.

P.S. I Love You - I've never actually read this, and don't know if I ever will, but I really like this cover, plus imagine glancing at it as you're walking past - a nice little reminder!

The Hunger Games - Absolutely love this book. Again, I own a different cover but love how simple this one is!

The Lover's Dictionary - This cover is so simple and beautiful and I want it as a cover!

Fangirl - The colours are perfect on this cover and I like the illustrations!

Paper Towns - I've added this one in, because what would this blog be without this book? Probably a different name, but whatever!

So there you have it! My top ten book covers that I'd frame as pieces of art!

If you've done one of these, please link me to it so I can check yours out!

Monday, 5 May 2014

Physical Book vs. e-Reader

I'm sure a lot of book bloggers probably own an e-Reader of some sort (Kindle, Nook..I'm not sure what other e-Readers there are!). I do own one myself which my family kind of share, however nobody has actually used it properly before, and we only have samples, no actual full books on it! So although this might seem a bit biased towards physical copies, please do take note that I did actually read a series of books on my iPhone e-Reader thing, which, for the record, I wouldn't recommend as it's such a tiny screen! So without further ado, let the comparison begin!

What are the pros of an e-Reader?

  • e-Readers are light and able to fit easily in your bag
  • You can take several books with you at one time
  • They don't make your bag heavy
  • If you get bored of one book, you can easily choose another to read
  • You don't have to worry about your bookmark falling out, and loosing your place
  • You can read late into the night without wasting electricity because it has a backlight
  • You instantly receive the book*

What are the cons of an e-Reader?
  • You don't get to see the pretty cover (well, only if the e-Reader is black and white!)
  • You don't get that new book smell
  • You don't get the feeling of holding a new, physical book in your hand 
  • If it gets full, it will mean you'll have to decide which books to keep/delete
  • Staring at a screen for too long (because you're oh so engrossed in that book you're reading) can cause damage to your eyes

What are the pros of a physical book?
  • You don't really have to worry about having to deleting space to make way for new books (unless your bookshelf is overflowing!)
  • You get that new book smell
  • There is nothing like that feeling you get when you're holding a new book in your hands
  • Pretty bookmarks, need I say more?
  • Having a bookshelf full of books for you to pick out at any moment
  • When you have a complete, physical series on the shelf, it is SO satisfying 

What are the cons of a physical book?
  • Loosing your place in a book because your bookmark fell out (this has happened to me one too many times!)
  • They're heavy to carry along with you, especially if you have a big book, or several in your bag
  • You can only take so many with you before your bag is full
  • Reading into the middle of the night can be bad for your electric bills…alternatively, there is the book light you can buy in bookshops, you know the ones that you can attach to the book? The only problem is that they SUCK
  • If you order online, waiting for the book can be so annoying

So far, I've only thought of a few pro's and con's, but will probably add to this list if I think of any more! If I'm honest, there's an equal amount of pro's to both physical books and e-Readers. Personally for me, I prefer being able to hold a book in my hand and being able to smell the pages of a new book (is that weird?). I don't have anything against e-Readers. In fact, truth be told, I would really like a Kindle, but I really enjoy having a physical copy in my hands. So I guess I'll put this out there to you all..

What do you think of physical books in comparison to e-Readers? Do you prefer physical copies, or e-reader copies? Are there any more pros/cons you can think of? 

* I've put this as a pro, however it is also a pro for physical books if you're buying them from a shop, not so much if you're buying them online though!
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Saturday, 3 May 2014

The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E Smith

Title: The Statistical Probability of Falling in Love
Author: Jennifer E. Smith
Source: Borrowed from Library
Rating: 4/5

Who would have guessed that four minutes could change everything?

Today should be one of the worst days of seventeen-year-old Hadley Sullivan's life. Having missed her flight, she's stuck at JFK airport and late to her father's second wedding, which is taking place in London and involves a soon-to-be stepmother Hadley's never even met. Then she meets the perfect boy in the airport's cramped waiting area. His name is Oliver, he's British, and he's sitting in her row.

A long night on the plane passes in the blink of an eye, and Hadley and Oliver lose track of each other in the airport chaos upon arrival. Can fate intervene to bring them together once more?

I'd read a review on Jamie's blog about this book, and having seen there was a big hype about 'The Geography of You and Me', I really wanted to read this! Sadly, my local library only had this book on their shelves as I did want to take out the other books by Jennifer Smith, but I'm not too fussed as least I managed to get my hands on this one! Plus, I've just thought - I can get it loaned from another library, hooray for connecting libraries!

I really enjoyed this book. It's a cutesy kind of book, and it's the kind of thing we've probably all dreamt of at some point in our lives! I found that this book was fast paced until the airplane, but even then that part didn't really drag on. I think it got better once off the plane, but I wasn't expecting the bit of a twist in it at all which I think added a new dimension (right word?) to the story which I really liked! I also really liked the fact that Hadley was able to come to terms with a certain something (I don't want to give anything away!). It was nice just to see everything fit together by the end of it.

When I did get to the end, I did want to find out more about Oliver and Hadley, and actually I did feel a little lost once I'd finished it, even though it had a nice, rounded ending!

This book was a real joy for me. It wasn't complicated and made for a nice, relaxing read that I really did enjoy!

Would I recommend it? Absolutely! If you get the chance, definitely pop out and get it!

Have you read this? What did you think? If not, is it on your TBR list, or are you planning to get it?

If you have any recommendations on how I can improve my reviews, please let me know!