Wednesday, 30 July 2014

I feel so Far From You

Title: Far From You 
Author: Tess Sharpe
Pages: 352
Publisher: Indigo
Source: Bought
Rating: 4/5

Summary (from Good Reads): 
Nine months. Two weeks. Six days

That's how long recovering addict Sophie's been drug-free. Four months ago her best friend, Mina, died in what everyone believes was a drug deal gone wrong - a deal they think Sophie set up. Only Sophie knows the truth. She and Mina shared a secret, but there was no drug deal. Mina was deliberately murdered. 

 Forced into rehab for an addiction she'd already beaten, Sophie's finally out and on the trail of the killer - but can she track them down before they come for her?

So it seems that I took an unintentional week off last week. I've just been so busy - last week I had a lot going on, what with coming home from my holiday Sunday afternoon, going back to work Monday, having my birthday meal Tuesday (it was my birthday on the 19th!), Bingo on Thursday, my parents going on holiday Friday as well as going to the movies that evening, and then Saturday and Sunday I spent both days at my boyfriends house! Busy week, but I'm hoping to get back into blogging mode now!

I started Far From You on the plane to Zante, but as we were so tired (5:40am flight, but hadn't slept properly since Friday night), I almost fell asleep..oops! I started to read it again on the flight back, but again, I felt so drained from the holiday, I didn't read too much. However, once home and topped up on sleep, I really got into this one. 

I'd heard a lot of great things about this book, and I think it lived up to the hype. I actually really enjoyed this, it was fast paced and full of mystery. I liked the time hopping. At first, I was a bit worried that it wouldn't work, but it really did! I also liked the feature of Mina in the book. Although she wasn't actually there, she was present in almost every page and in Sophie's every thought which leads me onto…

The relationships in the book! First of all, although I did like Sophie and liked seeing how close her and Mina were, the more I read, the more I noticed how Sophie was almost obsessed with her which, in a way, got on my nerves a little because I really don't care much for obsessive relationships! However, speaking of relationships, I enjoyed seeing how Sophie's relationships developed with the other characters, such as Rachel and Kyle, but also with her parents!

I thought that the story line for this book was really great. The killer was completely unexpected. There were a few times when I thought I might know who it is, but no! I was completely surprised. As well as this, I also really enjoyed the incorporation of other mini stories that were in the book. This really added layers to the story.

All in all, I did enjoy this book and would most definitely recommend it. It was interesting and once I had recovered from my holiday, I really got into it and flew through it! It really captured and held my attention for the duration of the book. I don't really read many murder mysteries, despite finding them interesting, but this really fit the bill, what with it being a YA contemporary murder mystery! Again, I would totally recommend this to pretty much everyone looking for something new to read!

Have you read Far From You? If so, what did you think? If not, are you hoping to read it soon? Is it sat on your TBR list, or are you currently reading it now? Let me know what you thought of Far From You!

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