Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year!

First of all, happy 2015 everybody!I hope you all had a lovely New Years Eve/Day! 2014 has been a bit of a roller coaster but I've enjoyed it! 

In 2014, this blog was born and since having started this blog, I have began to read a whole lot more than pervious years, paid more attention to book recommendations and have been introduced to plenty of other book blogs! Personally, I started a new job in June and then in September I quit it and started studying History at University. This was pretty big for me but I'm very happy with my decision. All in all, 2014 has been a life changing, but happy year for me. I'm hoping that 2015 will also be a great year - I already have a few concerts and a holiday to look forward too!

1. Read 60+ books - In 2014 I had a GoodReads Challenge of 40 books. I manage 36  which isn't great, but I know this is because of work and then starting University. I also didn't read anything for a whole month so that didn't help! My goal for 2015 is 60 however I would like to smash this and go further!
2. Read more of a variety - For the most part, I've noticed I tend to stick to Contemporary YA. I do own some Fantasy however I would like to read more. I'd also like to dip into Historical Fiction. 
3. Don't specify books to read for the month - As a mood reader, I can never stick to my TBR list that I create for each month. Instead of specifying 5+ books to read in a month, I would rather specify 1 or 2 books so that I'm not forcing myself to read books on my monthly TBR. 
4. Create reading goals per monthThis relates to the resolution above. I'd like to create a target of how many books to read per month. This relates back to being a mood reader, as this allows me to be a lot more flexible with what I read.
5. Read 5 Classics - I've never enjoyed classics that much in the past, however I would like to read a few this year and get a taste for them especially as I'm a bit older before.
1. Blog more! - I started this blog in March of 2014 however I stopped posting for a few months. This year I'd like to blog a lot more and become more consistent.
2. Be more blog organised - Relating to the resolution above, I want to become a lot more organised with this blog and posting. 
3. Blog maintenance - I read plenty of other blogs and have noticed that many have very clean and tidy appearances. This year I'd like to take my blog design up a notch, and perhaps even learn a bit of HTML. I have already thought about paying for a blog design but feel I should wait until I am posting a lot more consistently!
4. Blog post formats - This year I would like to change the way I write reviews. I tend to feel that my writing is not that great in my reviews, therefore I would like to change the way in which I write each review post.
5. Blog memes/features - I would really like to get involved with more blog memes and features. I did participate for a bit in a few memes however this stopped when I took a break from blogging!

1. Be more organised - As I'm balancing uni, work, blog, life as well as my accounting studies, I feel like this year I really need to be a lot more organised. This year I actually have a planner that I feel will really help me to become a lot more organised! 
2. Pick up photography again - When I was at college, I did an A-Level in Photography which I really enjoyed. This year I would really like to pick up photography again. Maybe I'll take up book photography!
3. Be more thankful - This year I want to take the time to be a lot more thankful and appreciative of what I've got. I don't feel like I really take the time to appreciate my life and what I have enough.
4. Spend more time with family - Throughout my teens, I started to become distant from my family, spending a lot of time in my room. As I'm coming to the end of my teens now, I'm starting to realise just how important family is therefore I want to spend more time with my family this year.
5. Learn to save and budget - One of my problems since starting work almost 4 years ago has been learning to save my money and budgeting myself. Although I saved money when I was working full time, now I'm back in full time education and working part time, I'm realising just how much I need to save so this year I want to set a target of how much I'd like to save for the year and budget myself on how much I can spend per month. 

Here's to hoping that 2015 is another great year, for both me and you! 

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