Sunday, 1 February 2015


via Elegance and Enchantment
I can't believe we have already had the first month of 2015! It feels like we hardly had January at all! January saw the name change of this blog. For a while now, I've been thinking about changing it but I couldn't think what too. It's not that I didn't like the name, I just wanted something a bit different. You can always trust you bookshelves to inspire you, so apapertown was changed to alittlesomethingbookish which I really love!

January has been a pretty good reading month for me. I've read 6 books which is 1 more than I aimed to read! I'm fairly happy with this and have made a dent in my Good Reads goal of 52! I'm actually ahead of it at the moment, which I'm pretty happy with but let's see how long that lasts for as in March I have quite a few assignments due plus an exam!

In terms of my life, January has been pretty laid back. I finished my first semester of University, I've had 2 weeks off as well to mark the end of the semester which is probably why I've been able to read so much! I'm also hopefully going to be booking a trip soon for May with my boyfriend - one of those short city breaks, but we haven't decided where yet! Oh, I also started an instagram for my blog, you can find me by searching alittlesomethingbookish.

I'm pretty impressed with myself and how many books I've read this month. I read 6 books, all of which I have enjoyed. One of my reading goals was to read The Winner's Curse and Rebel Belle and I read one of these books so I'm happy with that as I usually find it hard to stick to monthly TBR lists!

So what's coming up next month?
Well in terms of books, I'm hoping to be posting more reviews this month. In the second half of 2014, I really slacked on reading and reviews, but this year I really want to get this blog up and running again. I'm already getting reviews from the Summer done and posted, but you should be seeing some more reviews coming your way so watch this blog!

This month, I'm aiming to read 5 books as I'm starting back at University for Semester 2 and the month will be full of preparation for essays to be handed in in March, as well as other assignments and an exam! I'll also be carrying on with the Flights of Fantasy challenge. I'm hoping to read at least one fantasy book a month, as a lot of the books on my shelves are contemporary and at the moment, I'm trying to stop spending money on books as I've got so many to read (pre-orders don't count though)!

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